Let’s talk about you.
How would you introduce yourself?
What do you want to be when you grow up?

Even in my 40s I’m still figuring out the answers to those questions some days. Among my favorite responses from my kids over the years are: ninja, tattoo artist, and a daddy. They still make me smile.
What about you?
One thing for certain, if you don’t know who you are today, it’s not likely you’ll have a clue on how to get to what you want to be later.
Step one: Figure out who you are today.
To figure out who you are, you need to figure out where you came from. And you don’t even have to know your biological parents for me to help you figure the answer out.
Let’s jump feet first. You must have a standard for truth. Why go there first? Because if you don’t have a standard for truth, how can you believe anything?
Truth doesn’t change on who believes what. Truth withstands time, culture, people groups, and nations. It is true. It doesn’t change. Then, seek the authority of the truth.
The standard for truth is….the Holy Word of God.
It withstands time, place, people. In fact the bible says: Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear. Matthew 24:35
The Bible is the standard for truth and you can trust what it says.
God is the Authority in the standard of truth. So what does God say about you?
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
You are either male or female. There’s not another option by your Creator. And there’s no in between. God also created the animals. But, if you’re reading this, you’re not an animal.
Our world will throw opinions and call it truth. Establishing what the Authority says is imperative. Also, knowing who the enemies of God are helps determine where confusion originates.
Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. James 4:4b
I choose to be a friend of God. That’s going to make me oppose what the world pushes in culture and I’m going to sound different than the majority of loud platforms with agendas.
Don’t miss: I also have an agenda–to help you become a friend of God too.
To determine if you’re a friend or foe of God’s isn’t too complicated.
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18 (NIV)
This verse can help determine which you are–friend or foe. There are two types of people. “Those perishing” or those “who are being saved”.
How are people divided into each category–the perishing vs. saved? It’s based on the message of the cross. Is it foolishness or is it the power of God to you?
The message of the cross can be summed up by what God is willing to do because He loves you.
Again, God loves you. And Jesus’ death on the cross was God’s idea so He could have a relationship with you–forever.
But, if you don’t accept His love. And recognize His Son’s death on the cross was meant to pay the penalty of your sins. You are perishing.
Check this message from Billy Graham for a longer explanation:
Step two: You know you are a saved follower of Jesus and have accepted His free gift of salvation, but it’s confusing to hear all the messages in social media and the world to figure out how God wants you to live.
I love to help make this easier for my brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s also–not complicated.
I could pick numerous verses to help you figure out how God wants you to live, the Bible is packed with encouragement and lessons.
What does the Lord require of you as a follower of Christ?
He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NASB 1995)
It comes full circle back to the standard of truth…the Holy Bible tells us what is good, what is justice, kindness and what it looks like to walk humbly with God. Comparing yourself to others who call themselves Christians isn’t what God called you to do. He asks you to follow Jesus’ example. You can read all about Jesus' life on this earth in the first four books of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). Some bibles even have red letters for Jesus’ speaking parts.
It’s okay to fall short. The Bible tells us that not one person is good enough to be with God, so we have to have someone intercede for us. That person is His Son, Jesus. Jesus fulfilled prophecies spoken all throughout the Old Testament. Eyewitnesses of Jesus suffered tremendously for the sake of the Truth they lived. We can trust the Word of God to be Truth.
Once you decide to care more about what your Creator thinks than what other people think, you’ll find a peace that you’d never imagine possible.
Ninja (air fryers), wash-off tattoos, and a Heavenly Father who never disappoints fills my days as I’m growing up in the Lord and living day-to-day. It’s not always easy to choose God’s path for your life.
But when you accept His gift of salvation through Christ Jesus, you cross the line from perishing to being saved. You will find forgiveness, hope and a future destined for you from the Lord.