Every few weeks a box from Amazon arrived and I’d take it to my son’s room. We gathered items for his first year of college dorm and it was a physical practice of preparation for both of our hearts. I was good. Because he was good.
As the oldest of three boys, my adventurous trailblazer was as ready as one could be for college drop off. Plus, I had the added peace that he’d chosen a Christian college and God knew what he was doing.
My itinerary was set. I’d shared the tentative plan with times so our expectations could be ‘sort of met’ in some fashion. Yet, when we arrived on campus, the reality of the experience increased my stress level and my mama heart needed close guarding.
Still, I was good because my kid was good.
When we arrived for unloading at the dorm. A swarm of boys, literally 20-30 young college guys filled with respect and consideration, unloaded everything and placed it within the walls of my son’s room within 90 seconds. Wow. What a first impression.
The morning through lunch at the brand new dining hall was a family experience as my husband and I had also brought our younger two sons, who loved helping their oldest brother move into his dorm.
Yet, the milestone event was consumed with swirling emotions for everyone.
Still, I was good because my kid was good.

So good that I rallied my family to say our best wishes and hugs to leave earlier than my itinerary had planned.
We pulled away and I watched my oldest walking back to his new college dorm.
Those remaining in the truck ready for the ride home, without him, weren’t so good after all.
Because I’m a born again Christ follower, I knew I didn’t need to suffer through this stressful life change alone.
O Lord, my God listen to Your servant’s prayer…hear from heaven 1 Kings 8:28a
The God of the universe hears my prayers. When I talk to Him. He hears me. This is a gift and a hope that whatever life throws my way, I can walk in confidence and turn to a Heavenly Father who sent His Son away on the most important mission for your and my sake.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Another one of God’s amazing gifts to this world is women. Genesis 1:27 tells how God created man in their image, both male and female. But, there’s so much more. When God created the animals, He allowed Adam to see his incompleteness without a “complement” and thus gave Adam a helper. Eve.
This woman, defined by God as a helper, centuries later looks like some of the best girlfriends a brokenhearted mama can have.
Moms who’ve been there and dropped their kids off at college. Sweet friends experiencing similar emotions you are right now. Those friends who’ve watched the mood swings of their kids before your kids. Sharing life and pointing them to the Heavenly Father is what being (wo)man’s helper looks like.
You’re not reading this by coincidence. This is a challenge to you. Seek a special praying friend or more and set a timer on your phone for once a week prayer text and lift up your child(ren) to God in prayer. Include your marriage. These are tough times. If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. A little faith can make major changes in your kid’s lives. It can blossom into big faith. And with BIG faith…imagine what God can do.
It’s been a week. I’m better than those first few days. I miss my son. Primarily, I am coping with the knowledge the season of his childhood is over. But, I know he’s right on schedule. He’s growing and becoming the man I have prayed for so long he’d become. My girl friends’ support has been paramount and their life lessons are encouraging. All along my Heavenly Father can use our experiences to spread the name of Jesus and strengthen our faith in Him and those we love.