What an insane world we are waking up to each morning. Sin-filled people doing so many wrong things and blaming someone else for their decisions. This isn’t new. In fact, I think we could safely assume it’s the same ole’ people doing the same ole’ things. Many are bringing others along with them.
In the Old Testament, we are given tons of history lessons about the “same ole’ people, doing the same ole’ things.” The Jewish people are chosen by God to be set apart like Christians are today. Romans 12:2 tells Christians to be different than people (nonbelievers) of the world.
One history lesson that gives us an option about doing something—making a change—a call to action, is found in 2 Kings.
What is it?
Prayer isn’t just polite response to a churchy need. It’s the foundation of a relationship with your Creator.
And it can change the world.
In 2 Kings, Hezekiah, the Judean king (Israelites), watched the heinous Assyrian warriors capture neighboring lands and when the Assyrian King shows up at their door to overtake them, he mocked God. The Assyrian King told Hezekiah’s right-hand soldier, their God is no better than all the other gods that didn’t help the people and lands he’s already conquered. But Hezekiah’s response is a call to action.
[Hezekiah prayed,] “O Lord our God, deliver us from {the enemy’s} hand, so that all the kingdoms on earth may know that you alone, O Lord, are God.”….That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand men in the Assyrian camp.”
2 Kings 19:19, 35 NIV
Hezekiah prayed. The Lord heard and took action.
God’s response wasn’t a loud in your face action. But it was profound. Scripture tells us that when the soldiers woke the next morning, that’s when they found the 185,000 dead bodies. The King of Assyria broke camp and went home. He was later killed by his own sons.
On the same page, God answers another prayer of Hezekiah in verse 20:2. It’s an incredible story to read. Look it up.
History changing prayer is not only possible but cover to cover in the Bible we have examples of how it’s already changed the world. Elijah (1 Kings 20-39), Elisha (2 Kings 4:18-37), Jesus (John 11:38-44), Paul, other Apostles, the early Church…their prayers changed history.
Its time believers come together to pray for our nation, leaders, and its people. Our land can only be healed by God’s mercy. Heidi St. John is a mom that I follow on social media so I’m following her lead and suggesting we pray together 2 Chronicles 7:14 at 7:14 a.m. every day.
And My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Set your alarm on your phone. If you’re not a 7:14 am person, 7:14 pm works perfectly.
Praying at this time connects your memory to the location of the verse. History changing prayer is occurring because believers are joining together for God’s mercy. It may not be an in your face response, but He hears us, too.
